One deformity must be chosen at character creation. Initial Gnosis: 1 Beginning gifts: Persuasion, Smell of man Metis: Born from the union of two Garou, all metis are malformed and sterile.

Homid: Born as a human from a human mother you grew up thinking you were a normal man or woman. This is because most Garou grow up as normal humans or wolves and do not know that they are werewolves until they are in their late teens - or at around 16 in homids and 2 years in lupines. Step Two: Choose Breed Instead of choosing a Maturity level werewolves choose their breed. Because lupus garou grew up as an animal they cannot have the abilities of Computer, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Politics, and Science. Character Concept, Attributes, and Abilities Same as in human characters. Simply read the Introduction Kit then use this chart to make werewolves compatible with the Basic Rules. To correct this I am writing this so that the Garou are compatible with the Basic Rules already given. For example, each tribe is given a power that is actually only one of several gifts a character may choose. Henson The Werewolf: the Apocalypse Free introduction Kit does a good job of summarizing the werewolf world but the actual character creation rules are so simplified that they have little to do with the actual Storyteller system.

Werewolf: the Apocalypse Character creation Chart By Laura M.