Classic Bulldozer Game
Classic Bulldozer Game

Classic Bulldozer Game Classic Bulldozer Game

Redesigned and improved the menu in small details, fixed a bug with the alpha channel.

Classic Bulldozer Game

Departures in theory should be much less. Garage in Doherty now has 2 working doors.Fixed many models through which it was possible to see dynamic objects (such as pillars in the desert, car fences, etc.).Now there is no bug with white disks on wheels (by Rakhim Mutsaev). The light coming from the traffic lights now looks more correct and is present at all times of the day in all weathers, while in the original it is not there, and the crown of light itself looked poor.Improved timecyc.dat in such weathers as: SUNNY_LA, EXTRASUNNY_SMOG_LA and SUNNY_SMOG_LA.Shadows have been made more transparent (like on PC).ВЂў Finally, the assembly is available on GoogleDrive in addition to Mega. Many other bug fixes related to vegetation, timecycle, etc.Now they look more aesthetically pleasing, even and easy to read, whereas previously the letters were too small. Reflections on cars have been replaced with glare, as in the PC version of the game.New version of PVSA, where there are four types of generated vegetation instead of well as many other minor improvements. Vegetation has been improved, special thanks to Raskul for the grass models.A rain noise effect was added (Special thanks to the developer of the PS2 to mobile +fixes assembly, as he shared it).PC hood no longer has highlights, but looks grayish as in the PC version, instead of a flashy white color.Made many texture improvements to the map.Now there is less light on objects, improved lighting on dynamic objects, and much more. Lody and models of all kinds of objects on the map have been improved, now they have a loading range much further and soapy buildings do not appear before your eyes.The light from the headlights of cars has been improved, it is now close to the PC version and has a smooth transition.Includes one Tonka Bulldozer, bonus Tonka collector card.High-quality steel and plastic - Exceptionally durable and long-lasting.Tough continuous track tires - Realistic design, take on tough terrain.Use the handle to maneuver the giant blade and push away dirt and debris.Encourages fine motor skills, imaginative play.Classic Tonka bulldozer with real-steel body.Keep the Tonka adventure rolling into yet another generation with the Tonka Steel Classics Bulldozer. Meanwhile, with its Tonka Tough real-steel body, you can be sure this mechanical beast is up for years and years of worksite fun! Watch with amazement as its continuous track wheels roll easily over all kinds of terrain. Grab the handle to maneuver the giant blade and push tons and tons of dirt and debris. Clear the way for hours of heavy-duty imaginative play!

Classic Bulldozer Game